Environmental analysis

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Marine environmental analysis at the Baltic Sea Centre

Turning the results from current research into practical knowledge

The Baltic Sea Centre work to support policy makers and those involved in marine management by providing syntheses and analyses of important marine research.

Our international environmental analysis is carried out at the Baltic Nest Institute that is active in several international projects and through the model for international negotiations between the Baltic Sea countries. A goal of the new Baltic Eye initiative is to analyse scientific knowledge about the Baltic Sea ecosystem. 

Our national network and work include agencies and organizations in different locations across Sweden.

On regional level, the Baltic Sea Centre assumes responsibility in particular for marine activities within the northern Baltic Proper and the Svealand coastal areas.

Click in the menu to the left to find current international, national and regional activities.


Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre

Phone: +46-8-16 37 18
E-mail: ostersjocentrum@su.se