The OKC logo
The OKC-logo is made of 4 elements.
The spiral that represents different branches of OKC, reminding both of particle physics tracks and astrophysical objects. The trait chosen reminds an hand-made drawing in the same style as Oskar Klein signature.
The circle represents the unity of the OKC and the area in which the OKC does its research, including all branches.
The stars make a direct connection to the field of astronomy.
The original signature by Oskar Klein which is included in the name of the centre.
The logo is to be used in Stockholm University blue (CMYK: 100 70 0 60 ; RGB: 0 47 95) on white on light background and inverted colors on dark background. The black and the white versions of the logos are avalaible for those situations when blue is not a valuable option.
The OKC logo can be dowloaded here:
(high resolution and low resolution files in all possible color combination)
- blue on transparent background
- White on transparent background
(blue on white background)
(black on white background)