OKC-day Anno 2011 - Villa Källhagen - Working Groups discussion
OKC-day Anno 2011 - Villa Källhagen - Working Groups discussion


The program varies from edition to edition and can include various themes, such as career advice, OKC organization, scientific presentations of present or future projects, ecc.

Also a number of team building activities are organized during the meeting to get people to know each other.


Previous editions

OKC Day -- Autumn 2020

OKC Day -- Spring 2020 (postponed due to pandemic)

OKC-day Autumn 2019

OKC-day - Spring 2019

OKC-day - Autumn 2018

OKC Day -- Autumn 2017

OKC-day - Spring 2017

OKC-day - Autumn 2016

OKC-day - Spring 2016

OKC-day - Autumn 2015

OKC-day - Spring 2015

OKC-day - Autumn 2014

OKC-day - Spring 2014

OKC day - Autumn 2012