Location: Villa Källhagen. Webpage: http://kallhagen.se/en/
Registration: The registration to the OKC-day is due March 22 by adding your name to the doodle: http://doodle.com/poll/xbqat5iv8n7mi3vm
IMPORTANT NOTE: Participation is free of charge for all OKC-members. However, given we had a dropout of about 30% of the participants in the last OKC-day in the spring, we are now starting a new policy: you will be asked to pay your
fee ( 700 SEK) in case you sign-up but do not show-up and miss to inform me. Small adjustments can be made up to two weeks before the event, free of charge - yes, of course you might get sick, just let me know if you do.
Inspired by the feedback you gave us during the latest OKC-day, the program of the day will include both science talks and career development activities. The program will be finalize after March 22, since we need to know all theparticipants before we can invite some of you to give a talk.
9.30-10 Breakfast
10.00 Welcome
10.15 Science talks
Neutrinos and Cosmology - S. Boucenna (2172 Kb)
The Local Dark Matter Density - S. Sivertsson (9735 Kb)
PoGo+ - M. Friis & V. Mikhalev (3269 Kb)
21cm Signal from the Epoch of Reionization - R. Ghara (1873 Kb)
11.30 Lunch
13.00 A toolbox for academic productivity: From efficiency to effectiveness
16.00 Activity
16.30 Scientific method discussion
18.00 Dinner
Villa Källhagen is located in the middle of Djurgården. The adress is Djurgårsbrunnsvägen 10, Stockholm. Bus number 69 with end station Kaknästornet/Blockhusudden goes from the Central Station to Villa Källhagen (the bus stop is called Källhagen)
Use the sl.se planner to plan your whole trip: http://sl.se/en