Scientists with interest in Baltic Sea issues were invited to this open meeting about the University’s strategic marine research program: Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management, BEAM (2010-2014).

Information about BEAM 2015

During the meeting the program coordinator Ragnar Elmgren, informed about what is known to happen with BEAM in the near future, including how the on-going program evaluation is proceeding. Professor Elmgren also gave a summary of the recent evaluation hearing that was held on December 3rd.

Funding available

An important announcement was that there are possibilities to apply for funding from BEAM for 2015. About 5 MSEK of BEAM funds for 2015 are still not committed to a specific purpose. The BEAM Steering Group has decided to invite applications for economic support from this source. Read more

Glögg and networking

The BEAM mini report was available at the event

The meeting gathered about 35 scientists from the Departments of Law, Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Geological Sciences, Applied Environmental Science, Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Meteorology, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Karolinska Institutet.

After the presentation, there was time to ask questions and discuss future ideas or issues.