The research at the division is centered at fundamental aspects of the structure, reaction dynamics and kinetics of molecules in various environments and their interactions with electrons and electromagnetic fields. A hallmark of the division is that this is pursued in the spirit of close connections between strong theoretical and experimental groups. Areas of research include molecular astrophysics and -biology, water structure and dynamics, ultrafast dynamics of molecules in gas phase and surface reactions, electron-molecular ion interaction, theory of primary chemical reactions, and energy-related research on dye-sensitized solar-cells and fuel-cells. A substantial part of the research is carried out at large-scale external facilities, e.g., the LCLS and XFEL xray free-electron lasers, synchrotrons, and radiotelescopes. The division also has an in-house ultrafast laser spectroscopy laboratory with facilities for gas phase ultrafast multiparticle coincidence electron spectroscopy combined with high-order harmonic generation and time-resolved vibrational sum-frequency spectroscopy of surface chemical reactions. The double ion storage ring DESIREE will allow studies of properties and reactions of important ions in a cold environment, including larger species like fullerenes, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and clusters.
The Division of Chemical Physics
The Division of Chemical Physics was formed in the Autumn of 2011 by merging of the previous Molecular Physics and part of the Quantum Chemistry divisions. It has about 50 members including faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, diploma workers, and guest researchers.
Last updated:
June 5, 2018
Source: Tony Hansson