Examples of previous degree projects:
- Ray Cast/Dose Superposition algorithm for proton grid therapy
- The impact of hypoxia on tumour control probability in the high-dose range used in stereotactic body radiation therapy
- Variability in target delineation instereotactic radiosurgery withLeksell Gamma Knife® Perfexion™ and a perspective on radiobiological outcome: A multiobserver study
If you are interested in carrying out a Bachelor or a Master degree project in our group please contact one of our senior researchers for more details.
Irena Gudowska (irena.gudowska@fysik.su.se)
Iuliana Toma-Dasu (iuliana.livia.dasu@fysik.su.se)
Niels Bassler (niels.bassler@fysik.su.se)
Marta Lazzeroni (marta.lazzeroni@fysik.su.se)
Emely Kjellsson Lindblom (emely.lindblom@fysik.su.se)