Don't miss the opportunity to spread the word about your research at BSSC2019 Pitch Pit.


This hour-long event gives you a chance to pitch a potential story idea about you or your work, by briefly explaining an aspect of your research, why it matters and why you love it. Then, you will get feedback from the journalists: What do they find most interesting? Can they envision a story about you or your work? What intrigues them enough so they want to know more? You will make new connections, and learn what different journalists look for in a science story.

Whether you take the microphone or just observe, this is a fun chance to learn about your colleagues’ research, and view it in an entirely new way.

When and where?

The event will take place Tuesday 20 August 18.00-19.00 at Aula Magna Mezzaninen.

Panel and Jury:

Nancy Baron - Director of Science Outreach, COMPASS

Jannike Kihlberg - Special reporter, Dagens Nyheter

Sandra Kropa - Independent Journalist

David Malakoff - Deputy News Editor, Science Magazine

Kenneth R. Weiss - Independent Journalist, The Pulitzer Center of Crisis

Read the full presentations in this flyer Tell me more - BSSC Opening flyer (1114 Kb)

More side events:

Read more about the BONUS and COMPASS opening session: Tell Me More: What does society really want to know about changes in the Baltic Sea?

Read more about the COMPASS and BONUS Young Scientist Club event: Increase your confidence when communicating your science

This special event is supported by BONUS, the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme.