Funding and positions

  • 120 000 SEK for the BEAM Modelling course 
    The doctoral PhD course, organized by BEAM researchers Maria Sandberg, Susa Niiranen and Thorsten Blenckner, will be financed by a grant from the foundation; “Konung Carl XVI Gustafs Stiftelse för forskning och utbildning”.
  • Gorokhova has employed a postdoc: Agnes Karlsson, who will start 1/3.
  • Ploug was granted permission to reallocate 200 000 SEK in funding for 2014.
  • Ebbesson and Malla’s application was granted 900 000 SEK for a study of legal prerequisites for a Baltic nutrient trading system, to be carried out in collaboration with BNI.

2012 Reporting 
The programme has answered the yearly Strategic Research Area Questionnaire. More publications than in earlier years were reported in 2012, and there were also more examples of policy/management influence, an important goal for BEAM.

Communication and network
A BEAM Symposium is being planned, to which all target audiences, such as management and scientists, will be invited. The date will be decided at the next meeting, with fall 2014 suggested as suitable period. A special publication with BEAM papers is also under discussion, to be decided at the next meeting.

Next meeting
May 21, at 13-15. Venue to be decided later.